


is condemned to death 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
carries His cross 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
falls the first time 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
Jesus meets his mother 80 x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black
paint, charcoal Paper mounted on canvas 135
x 115 cm. |




of Cyrene helps Jesus to carry his cross
80 x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red &
black paint, charcoal Paper mounted on canvas
135 x 115 cm. |
wipes the face of Jesus 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
falls the second time 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
meets the women of Jerusalem 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |




falls a third time 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
clothes are taken away 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
is nailed to the cross
80 x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |
dies on the cross 80 x 60 cm.
Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |


body of Jesus is taken down from the cross 80 x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black
paint, charcoal Paper mounted on canvas 135
x 115 cm. |
is laid in the tomb 80
x 60 cm. Ink, Falun red & black paint, charcoal
Paper mounted on canvas 135 x 115 cm. |