Dominus autem Spiritus
est; ubi autem Spiritus Domini, ibi libertas.

1971 1985
1983 - 1987 1990 - 1992 1992 - 1994
since 1994 |
Born and raised in Berlin
Influenced strongly by Protestant Church of East
Berlin First literary works and drawings: Lyric
poetry and prose, nature and landscape studies "Palette
Nord" - Robert Rehfeldt Study of Art and German
Language and Literature, Humboldt University Berlin
Study of German Language and Literature and
Philosophy, Humboldt University Berlin free-lance
| Development of the themes Transience, Love, and Death
into works with religious content |
Projects and participation in projects
1998 2000 2001
2004 2005 / 2006 2007 2007 2007/
2008 2008 2009
2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015
2016 2017
2022 |
Reading in the literatur-werkstatt,
Berlin Readings Lyric poetry night in Wolkenbügel,
Berlin "Odysseus
- Klagelieder" - (odyssey lamentations) - performance
in the Künstlerhaus Berlin "1 Dove, 2
Psalms" - Exhibition in the Chapel of Benjamin
Franklin Medical Center, Berlin "Heaven on
Earth?" - Brandenburg, Beeskow, Frankfurt / Oder,
Potsdam, Kassel - exhibition participant "Bergpredigt"
- "Sermon on the Mount" - Exhibition, Protestant
Academy Loccum "Ave Maria" - Academy
Franz Hitze Haus, Münster - exhibition participant
"Drawings + Monuments + Texts"; picture lecture
in the monastery Kloster Schwarzenberg 19.4.2008; >>> more
"Zeichen und Wege" - "Signs and Paths"
- Exhibition in the Kirche
Am Hohenzollernplatz, Berlin; >>> more
"Wesentliches" - "Essentials", Exhibition
in the Pax Bank, Berlin, 24.February - 24. April 2009
>>> more
"Das Einfache und die Fülle" - "The
Simple and the Plenty" - 17th cabinet exhibition
in the Evangelisches Zentrum Berlin, 10 March - 10 June
2009 >>> more
"Bruder Sonne, Schwester Mond - "Brother
Son, Sister Moon" - Paths to the sculptural
expression of St. Francis of Assisi’s Canticle of Praise”
- Weekend course 14-17 May Kloster Schwarzenberg;
>>> more Presentation
and reading | Catalogue | Thomas Werk | Pictures and
Monuments; Hotel
Albrechtshof Berlin 9.9.2009; Exhibition 10. September
- 10. January 2009 "Hier und dort" -
" Here and there" - Exhibition; St.Stephan
and St.Johannis, Würzburg, 12. Oktober - 18.
November 2009; >>> more
"Zeichen und Wege" - "Signs
and Paths" - Exhibition, FFFZ
der EKiR Düsseldorf, 26. November - 23.
January 2010 | 2011 AVE MARIA!
Annunciation in contemporary art | Museum
Peine 20. November - 30.Januar 2011 | 2012 -
exhibition participant empfangen - Annunciation
in contemporary art | Evangelische
Akademie Meissen | 3.März - 31. Mai 2012 -
exhibition participant Stele | 6 chamber stick |
JVA Berlin-Plötzensee >>> more
Perspektivenwechsel. AVE MARIA - Annunciation
in contemporary art | 22. März - 28. Juli
2013 | >>>
Diözesanmuseum Bamberg - exhibition participant ars liturgica | Creation
of a fasting cloth | Kardinal-Hengsbach-Haus, Essen
15. Mai - 21. Juli 2013 | exhibition participant "Einfachheit und Stille"
- "Simplicity and Stillness" - Exhibition,
auf Schwanenwerder, Berlin, 16. Juni 2013 - 30.
Mai 2014 >>> more
ars liturgica - Deutsches
Textilmuseum Krefeld, 3. November 2013 - 26. Januar
2014 - exhibition participant Exhibition GOING THROUGH
AND MOVING ON | Jesus-Christus-Kirche | Berlin-Dahlem
27.10.2014 - 31.12.2015 | Opening | 26.10.2014 | 11.00
Uhr >>>more
Die Lichtenberg* Norm, Zwitschermaschine, 7.November
- 15. November 2015, exhibition participant, >>>more
| 28.November 2016 - 7.January 2017 | Angel
- Drawings by Thomas Werk | Kathedralforum St. Hedwig
Berlin | Opening: 27.11.2016 | 11.00 am Exhibition
| 3.March - 5. April 2017 | The seven works of mercy
| Gallery2Berlin Auguststr. 2 | 10117 Berlin | Opening:
2. March 2017 | 19.00 pm Introduction: Prof. Dr.
B. W. Lindemann | >>>more Artist
talk 29. March 2017 | 19.30 pm | Pfr. Christhard-Georg
Neubert · Thomas Werk >>>more
Festival of the Ascension of the Virgin Mary
Warendorf, 19. August 2917, Parzicipation in the exhibition >>>more
Exhibition | 17.November - 15. December 2022
| "Bridges" | Envision Berlin Gallery |
2004 2005 2006
2006 2007 2007 2008
2010 2011 2012 2013
2014 2015
2016 2017
2018 2021
2022 |
"Programm", periodical
of the Catholic Academy, Berlin "Der Himmel
auf Erden?" (Heaven on Earth?), in the exhibition
catalogue "alte und neue Kunst" (“old
and new art”), the year book of the Christian Art
Association of the Bishoprics in the Church Province
Paderborn” bildimpuls; "2
Betende";(Two Praying); "Der
barmherzige Samariter" (The Good Samaritan)
bildimpuls; "Dreieinigkeit"
(Trinity) Forum Loccum, Nr.3 / August 2007, 26th
year das
münster Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst
und Kunstwissenschaft; Stern von Bethlehem, (Star
of Bethlehem), Heft 4/2007 (60. Jg.) bildimpuls;
von Bethlehem" (Star of Bethlehem) bildimpuls;
nach dem Abendmahl" (Hymn after the Last Supper)
münster Zeitschrift für christliche Kunst
und Kunstwissenschaft; Verspottung, (Mocking) Heft
2/2008 (61. Jg.) Die Christengemeinschaft;
April 2008 rbb; Sendereihe: Gott und die Welt; radio
feature 5.10.2008 "Barmherzigkeit" (Mercy)
LiMa, Liborius Magazin; Ausgabe Januar 2009 Junge
Kirche; 2 | 2009 | 70. Jahrgang Edition
St. Matthäus; Catalogue | Thomas Werk | Bilder
und Monumente, (Pictures and Monuments; 96 S.; | 2009
>>> more
hier und dort; (here and there) Thomas Werk | Irmtraud
Kulzer; Breviary, St. Stephan and St. Johannis, Evang.-Luth.
Dekanat Würzburg;
32 S.; 10 | 2009;
>>> more Jahrbuch
des Erzbistums Berlin, published by the Archbishop
of Berlin Grundschule
religion; Nr.32 | 3.Quarter | 2010; Friedrich
- Verlag RU-heute;
02/2011 | Bistum
Mainz edition
one | 9 postcards | package band | numbered | limited
edition 100 >>> more Katechetische
Blätter; Zeitschrift für Religionsunterricht,
Gemeindekatechese, Kirchliche Jugendarbeit | 138. Jahrgang
| Heft , Januar | Februar 2013 | Kösel Verlag München
| 12 Apostel >>> more
ars liturgica | Creation of a fasting cloth | catalogue
| 2013 | Hrsg. Kunstverein im Bistum Essen e.V.
Vernissage | 2|13 | 21.Jhrg. | Nr.198 edition
two | 9 postcards | numbered | limited edition 100
more In Deutschland freut sich niemand,
dass du lebst | Eckart Wragge (Hg.) Wichern Publisher
2014 >>> more bildimpuls
| christmas card for the Erzbistum Berlin “Mary with
Child" "Barmherziger Samariter" Verband
der katholischen Religionslehrer und Religionslehrerinnen
| Rundbrief 2/2015 | Mitgliederzeitschrift christmas
card for the Superintendentur Berlin “Mary with Child"
forumKirche, Nummer 8, April 2016, "Auferstehender",
Text Patrik
Scherrer unterwegs;
Frühjahr/Sommer 2016, Pfarrbrief der Katholischen
Pfarrei St. Sebastian Eberberg, "Der barmherzige
Samariter", Text Patrik Scherrer
forumKirche, Nummer 17, August 2016, "Barmherzigkeit",
Text Patrik
Scherrer Marija
Pehar, "Otajstvo Trojedinoga Boga u slikovnome
izricaju", "Trojstvo" Kršcanska sadašnjost, Zagreb 2016
Christmas calender of the Archbishopric of Berlin >>>more coming soon bildimpuls
“Barmherzigkeit” ,
Text Patrik Scherrer
bildimpuls “Maria” ,
Text Patrik Scherrer Eastercard,
Archbishopric of Berlin, Personal office, Msgr. Dr.
Hansjörg Günther >>>more
bildimpuls “Auferstehender” ,
Text Patrik Scherrer
bildimpuls “Osterlicht” ,
Text Patrik Scherrer via lucis, 36 pages, Alt-Katholischer
Bistumsverlag >>>more BART, Magazin No. 16, Text
Patrik Scherrer
"Eine wärmende Suppe" Echter Verlag,
Würzburg >>> more |